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How to Use Playfab in Unity 3D: Setup (Lesson 1)

Start Creating Cloud Saving Games

For this new tutorial series, we will be teaching you about the Playfab SDK and how to use it in Unity 3D. The PlayFab plugin helps the developer implement cloud saving features and other bonus features in their projects. Cloud saving is very important to have, especially if your game is multiplayer or has In-App Purchases (IAPs).


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Learning about PlayFab

Welcome to Info gamer for this lesson we will show you how to get started with the PlayFab SDK in Unity. We have been receiving a number of requests from many of our subscribers to do this series so here we go.

If you want to learn about all the different feature PlayFab offers your game you can then go to the PlayFab link I have provided above. Cloud saving is going to be the most important feature you can implement in your game.

New Project

To get started we will want to create a new Unity project. We then want to navigate over to the PlayFab documentation. We can then scroll down to where it says pick your SDK. We will select the Unity link. This will take you to where you can download the Unity PlayFab SDK extension package.

Import the Package

Once you have this Package downloaded to your computer we then need to go to our newly created Unity Project. We will then go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package. You will then need to find to the location where you save the PlayFab package, select it, then click import. This will then open a new window with a list of everything in the package. With everything selected we will click import and then we must wait for our project to finish processing the new files.

Connect to PlayFab

Once import you will see another new window called PlayFab EdEx. In this window, you can register yourself and the studio with the PlayFab website. If you already have an account you can skip this step. Once you and your project are registered you then need to connect your project title to your registered account. You can do this using the drop-down menu provided. After this, your project is all set up and connected to your PlayFab account.

Watch How to Import PlayFab SDK