Welcome to the first lesson of our tutorial series on how to create the game Among Us in Unity. For this lesson, we will show you how to set up our Among Us project in Unity and How to create the Player Prefab.
To set up the Unity project we will first need to open Unity Hub. You will then need to click the create button. This will open a new window in which you will select 2D, give your project a name like Among Us, select the correct file location for your Unity project, and finally click create.
Once Unity is finished with setting up your project we will create our Among Us player prefab. To do this we will start with an empty game object. Then rename this object to AU_Player for Among Us. Change the tag to Player which is a default tag that should already exist. You will then need to add two components to this object a rigidbody and a capsule collider. For the rigidbody, you will need to disable gravity and freeze its z position and all its rotations.
We will then need to add the spites for our Player. First, download the needed sprite sheets from this post. You will then need to slice these images with a grid of cell size 128. Now, add one sprite object as a child to the empty game object and apply the first sprite to the sprite renderer component. We will then add another sprite object to this object. Apply the first part sprite to this sprite renderer and make sure this sprite is moved in front of the other sprite.
You can then resize the capsule collider to fit the size of this sprite. Finally, you can make a prefab out of this object.
Curious why the decision to use 3D colliders/rigidbody and locking Z axis/rotation instead of using 2D colliders/rigidbody2D for this. Is this for lighting needs or other performance benefits?