
Unity Ads Add-On

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $3.00.

This is the be-all-end-all for working with Unity Ads. Just import this plugin when using Unity ads, drag and drop a few prefabs, and handle the reward ads then you are good to go.


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This is the be-all-end-all for working with Unity Ads. Just import this plugin when using Unity ads, drag and drop a few prefabs, and handle the reward ads then you are good to go.

Welcome to the README for InfoGamer’s Unity Ads add-on.
In this package, we have taken care of all the code setup to make Unity Ads work smoothly.
All that is left to do is drag and drop prefabs and handling the rewards.

Steps for setup:
1. Enable Unity Ads in Services.
2. Go to your Unity Dashboard, then select Projects > “your project” > Monetization > Placements and create at least one of each type of ad placement.
3. Back in Unity update Unity Ads to the latest version in the Package Manager.
4. Import all assets of this Unity Package.
5. Add the UnityAdsInitializer prefab to your first scene (preferably a splash screen scene).
6. Add the VideoAdPlayer prefab to all scenes you would like an interstitial video ad to play on when loaded (GameOver)
7. Add the RewardAdButton to any UI canvas where you would like one to be.

1. Select the UnityAdsInitializer prefab and set the “Andriod Id” and “Ios Id” variables to the corresponding Game IDs as they appear in your Unity Dashboard. Then enable “Test Mode” while developing your game.
2. Select The VideoAdPlayer prefab and set the “Time To Play Ad” variable to the time (in seconds) that you would like to have between each interstitial video ad.
3. Select the BannerAd prefab and make sure the “Placement Id” variable matches the name of the placement as it appears in your Unity Dashboard. Then set the Banner Position as you would like it to appear in your game.
4. Select each RewardAdButton, This is the only prefab that has visual components. Customize the button and placement as you would like. make sure the “Placement Id” variables match the name of the placements as they appear in your Unity Dashboard. You can have more than one reward ad placement for different reward ads.

Handling Rewards:
1. Open the GiveReward script, this is a template for how to handle different rewards based on their Placement IDs.
3. The Placement ID is passed to this script as a string through an action event called OnRewardAdFinished which is triggered when the reward ad has finished.
3. Add the code of this script to any other script you would like to make it easier to use.
4. Add code to the OnGiveReward function to reward the player for watching an ad.
5. Use if statements to give different rewards for different Placement IDs


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