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RPC Functions with Photon 2 in Unity

For this lesson on how to make a multiplayer video game in Unity with the Photon 2 plugin in Unity 3D, I will show you how to create a character selection option that will then synchronize the selected character across the network. Features like the are prevalent in many video games today such as Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty Black Ops 4, and Fortnite. This lesson will teach you the basics of RPC or Remote Procedure Call Functions. RPC’s are probably one of the most important principles in developing a multiplayer video game. It is through RPC functions that we are able to sync data from one client to another. After following this tutorial you should be able to create your own RPC function and implement them into your own video games.

In between lesson I create a menu system with four different buttons. This will allow us to selected different characters for us to use as your player avatar prefab. We will begin by creating a new C sharp script called Player Info. This script will save the value of the character our player has chosen.

We then need to create a new C# script that will control do a new menu system. Inside this function, we only need to have a public function that will set the value of the character model we want to use.

We then need to create a Player Info object and a Menu Controller Object. We will then set the on click events of your buttons in our menu system.

We then need to create another C# script. Inside this script, we will create an RPC function that will synchronize our character model value across the network and instantiate it.

If you followed along with the video you should now be able to build your project. Once built you should be able to select different character models which will then be instantiated into the multiplayer scene once connected.

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Photon Transform View with Photon 2 in Unity

Here is the next lesson on how to make a multiplayer game in Unity using the Photon 2 plugin. For this lesson, we will be focusing on player movement and synchronizing the transform across the network using the photon transform view. It is very important to be able to sync player movement across the network because without doing so players will be able to see each other in different locations then they actually are. It is also important to make sure that each player can only control his own avatars.

The first thing that we need to do is open up our Photon Player Avatar prefab. On this prefab, we will add the Photon Transform View so that our player avatar can have its movement synchronized. We will then need to create a new C# script for setting up the controls for the movement of the Avatar object. With this C# script opened the first thing we will do is create some new variables. We will then initialize all our variables. As we create the movement functions we first need to check for the player’s input. Based on the player’s input we will then move the player avatar object. When we call these movement functions is the update function we will use the Photon View variable to check to see if this object is owned by the local player. This is to make sure that only the local player can control their avatar and not other people’s avatars. We will then save our script and return to Unity 3D.

If you follow along with the video you should now be able to build your project. In the multiplayer scene, you should be able to now control the movement of only your local player avatar.

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Instantiating Player Avatars with Photon 2 in Unity

For this Unity Multiplayer Game Tutorial on how to make a multiplayer game in Unity with the Photon 2 Plugin, we will teach you how to spawn a player avatar or character. This will be an object that the players can control and use to play the game. This Avatar could be a person in a first-person shooter or a hero dungeon crawler RPG like Diablo 3. It is very important that you keep the Avatar as a sperate object the first photon network player object that is already spawned into the multiplayer scene.

We will begin by looking at how our game currently works. Our game currently has the Photon Player object that is the only object in our scene that is associated with our players because of this we need to make sure that we maintain this player object through the duration of our multiplayer game.

We will first create a new C# script in Unity we will call this C# script Photon Player. In this script, we need to include the Photon.PUN namespace we will then create some variable is this script including a Photon View variable. This script will be in charge of instantiating our player’s avatar object into the multiplayer scene.

In Unity, we need to create some empty game objects to be our spawn points transforms. We then need to create a player avatar prefab. We will need to set the variables of our scripts.

If you followed along with the video, you should have a working multiplayer game that allows you to instantiate new player avatar objects into the scene.