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Set Up PUN 2 in Unity

How to make a Multiplayer Video Game in Unity using the Photon 2 plugin. For this lesson, we will teach you how to download, install, and set up the Photon 2 plugin in Unity.

In this Unity Multiplayer tutorial, you will learn why it is better to use the Photon 2 multiplayer plugin than other networking APIs such as the built-in Unity networking service. We will also teach you how to download, import, and set up the Photon 2 Multiplayer plugin. The Photon 2 Multiplayer plugin is our recommended plugin for creating multiplayer games in Unity. The Photon Multiplayer plugin is an easy to use API with good documentation and it supports all of the features you might need to create your multiplayer game which was my number one problem with Unity’s networking service. The Unity Networking service did not provide key multiplayer features such as Host Migration.

Photon Engine:
Payment Plans:
Scripting API:

You will want to start by creating a new Unity Project. Once you have it created you can use Unity’s Collaboration service to back up your project. We will then want to download and import the Photon 2 multiplayer plugin. You can find it by searching for Photon PUN in the Unity asset store. You will want to download and import the PUN 2 – FREE plugin. Once you have imported all the assets you will want to go to the Photon website that I have linked to and login or create an account. After logging in you will want to click on Create New App. You will then need to select the Photon type from the drop-down menu which for us it Photon PUN. You will then need to go through the form and fill out all the required information about your project. You will then click on create to save this project.

You should now be on the home page for your Photon dashboard. You will then need to click on your new application’s AppID. You will want to copy this string value and go back to Unity. You will need to open the Photon PUN wizard window where you will paste in your AppID and hit Setup. After this, your Photon 2 Multiplayer project should be all set up and ready to start being developed.

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Why You Should Make Multiplayer Games!

Learn Why Multiplayer Games are Better

In this video, you will learn why it is better to develop multiplayer games. If you are thinking about becoming a game developer this might not be the best place to start but this is sure where you want to get to. Developing multiplayer video games will increase the chance of your game hitting it really big.

In this video, we discuss why it is better to make a multiplayer game than just making a single-player game. One of the biggest challenges game developers face is audience retention. There are many ways to improve audience retention. You could make a very immersive story or you could make an addictive game mechanic. The problem with this is that the audience is likely to drop the game as soon as they complete the story or get tired of the addictive game mechanic. One of the best ways to increase audience retention is to make a multiplayer game. the multiplayer games add a sense of competition and allow friends to connect up with each other.

In this playlist, we will teach you how to make multiplayer games of your own. I was able to learn multiplayer and implement it into my game Snake Cubed. Now I will teach you what I have learned so you too can learn how to make a multiplayer game.