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New Input System in Unity 2020 – Multiple Input Devices

If you want to have your games cross-platform then you will need to have the ability to read in multiple device inputs. Computers use keyboards, consoles use gamepads, and mobile devices use touch inputs. To do this you can add multiple input bindings to each action of your input action asset. The new input system for Unity is really good for this because it will automatically detect the input device being used and send the actions to your scripts accordingly

Presidential Slap

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New Input System in Unity 2020 – Most Important Thing to Remember

We already talked about this in the last video but I thought I would re-emphases the importance of remembering to save your Input Action Asset after each change you make. The easiest thing to do is to enable the auto-save option but this can be a bit annoying if Unity is slow to process the changes. If you are making a lot of changes all at once you might want to wait until the end of all your changes before you save them.

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How to Scale an Object in One Direction Unity

For this very quick lesson, I should you how to scale an object in only one direction in Unity. When you scale an object is scales based on the pivot of the object. Most of the time the pivot is in the center which means the object will scale in both directions.

To scale an object in only one direction to need to give the object a new pivot point to scale from. You can do this by using a parent-child relationship with an empty game object. If you make the object you want to scale a child to the empty then place the parent/empty object in the position you want the pivot to be. To scale the object in one direction then place the parent object on the edge or face on the child object.

You can then scale the parent object with will scale the child object in one direction.